Alright WASHINGTON COUNTY- this one’s for y’all! (You historically stigmatized community). 😏
Right on hwy 36, you got @ganjamamas_ ! Amber and Greta are your lovely hosts at the cute little shop off the highway, right before you hit Stillwater.
The ladies are carrying local Minnesota favorites, including, but not limited too-
My FAVORITE Brownies by @mjhabadashary, Beverages by @youbetcha_canna and @crivercc , Fabulous chocolate bars by @houseofoilworx and @grounded_gardens_, Carmels by @cakeandbakededibles , Space Ice Cream by the gentleman at @cornellurbanagriculture, and those fabulous 🍄 treats by @onpoint_cbd. If you’re headed East, or in the area already, make sure to say “High!”